Does the iPad Improve Science Comprehension?

iPad in Elementary School

A school district in Northern Kentucky is experimenting with iPads to see if they will improve science comprehension. My prediction is that it will – if the teacher is any good and doesn’t just do the same thing they’ve always done. I imagine the novelty of getting to use iPads will create some enthusiasm and excitement in the young people and as a natural course they will pay more attention and be intrinsically motivated to participate. The idea of a pre-test and a post-test could be a good idea however that should be done with care. We’ll look forward to seeing what happens.

By Associated Press
10:15 AM EDT, October 1, 2010

INDEPENDENCE, Ky. (AP) — One northern Kentucky elementary class has become a testing ground to see whether technology can improve students’ comprehension of science.

Fourth-graders at Summit View Elementary School received $30,000-worth of iPads in late September from the Duke Energy Corporation. The Kentucky Enquirer says the devices are part of a pilot project between Duke, a Cincinnati firm called STEM Innovations and the Kenton County School District.

Students were tested in science and completed surveys about their attitudes toward science a week before the 27 iPads arrived.

They will be tested and fill out surveys again in the spring.

The students are using them now for in-class math and science assignments.

Information from: The Kentucky Enquirer,